Currently we are seeking individuals who would be interested in sitting on the following committees:
Special Committees
Negotiating Committee
This will be a special committee established at least six (6) months prior to the expiry of the Local Union’s collective agreement and automatically disbanded when a new collective agreement has been signed. The function of the committee is to prepare collective bargaining proposals and to negotiate a collective agreement. The committee shall consist of five (5) members, all elected at a membership meeting. The National Representative assigned to the Local Union shall be a non-voting member of the committee and shall be consulted at all stages from formulating proposals, through negotiations, to contract ratification by the membership.
All members of Local 5406’s negotiating committee shall attend Level 1 and Level 2 of CUPE’s collective bargaining educationals.
Permanent Committees
Voting Scrutineers
The individual(s) will:
- Not be a member of the executive
- Will oversee the voting process to ensure the voting process follows CUPE national standards
- Will document and present all voting results to the members
Grievance Committee
This committee will:
- Oversee the handling of all local grievances.
- Receive copies of all grievances.
- Prepare a report on the status of all grievances to be submitted to the Executive Board, the National Representative, and to the membership meeting.
- When a grievance is not settled in the initial steps provided for in the collective agreement, this committee will decide whether or not the grievance should proceed to arbitration.
- If the decision is to not proceed, the grievor(s) may appeal the decision to the Executive Board.
Education Committee
This committee will:
- Gather information about appropriate courses, the availability of courses, and make recommendations to the Local Union on whether or not members should be attending.
- Assist delegates in the preparation of reports to the membership on seminars and conferences and maintain a reference file of these reports.
- Cooperate with the National Union Development Department and Communications Branch of CUPE, and with the regional Education Representative, in implementing both the Local Union’s and CUPE’s policies in these fields.
Health and Safety Committee
This committee will:
- Work to educate members on the importance of workplace health and safety.
- Prepare and present reports to the regular membership meetings.
- Organize an April 28th Day of Mourning ceremony each year.
- Participate on the Joint Worksite Health and Safety Committees (JWH&SC) at their workplace.
- Ensure that the worker representatives on the JWH&SC meet separately from the employer to prepare for meetings with the employer.
- Promote safe work procedures and environments so as to prevent illness and injury as a result of workplace factors.
- Immediately bring to the attention of the employer any workplace hazard that has the potential to cause members’ illness or injury.
- Work to eliminate all workplace hazards, be they physical, environmental, or social.
By-Laws Committee
This committee will:
- Review the bylaws annually and make recommendations to the Executive Board on proposed amendments.
- Review any proposed amendments received from the Executive Board or membership of the Local Union to ensure that the amendments will conform to the remainder of the bylaws and the CUPE National Constitution.
- Ensure that the Local Union’s bylaws are written in clear language, ensuring that clear language does not change the intent or meaning of the bylaws.
Membership Support Committee
This committee will:
- Visit members who are ill.
- If a member is ill for more than a week, arrange some token of the Local Union’s concern and desire to help, whether the member is at home or in hospital.
- Extend the Local Union’s condolences in the event of the death of a member or one of their immediate family, and make other appropriate gestures in accordance with custom or the wishes of the family concerned.
Social Committee
This committee will:
- Arrange and conduct all social, cultural, and recreational activities of the Local Union, either on the committee’s own initiative or as a result of decisions taken at membership meetings. The committee shall submit reports and proposals to the Executive Board or to the membership as required.
Interested individuals should contact a member of the executive