New Seniority List October 2023
Here is an up to date seniority list. If you see an error with your start date or job classification let someone on the executive know and we can see about fixing any errors .
Proposed by-law amendments
The executive committee has proposed some by-law amendments. As is the process, they are to be published for members to view them prior to the meeting. You can view the proposed amendments HERE. There will be an opportunity to express yourself in regards to these changes at the upcoming meeting.
Mark Hancock, National President in Kenora to meet members
CUPE National hosted a bar-b-que in Kenora Aug 23 for members of CUPE locals in the region. It was well represented by many of the locals as well as ours. It was great to meet Mark as well as other members from the other locals.
We had a chance to discuss local issues and inform Mark on the difficulties operating in such a vast area. He gave some insights and inspiration to many there including our local as we prepare to go into bargaining.
A big thanks to those who organized and helped prepare the smokies and hamburgers.

2023 Bargaining Committee
Brothers and Sisters
During our General Meeting January 11th members selected your Bargaining Committee members. Three of the five members from 2021 are returning and two new members. The team is:
Rob Collette – Ear Falls/Red Lake
Michael Peterson – Mechanical
Marc Desforges – Emo/Rainy River/Bergland/Nickle Lake
Jason Foster – Dryden/Vermillion Bay
Travis McDougall – Kenora/Nestor Falls
In the coming weeks we will be developing the bargaining survey so stay tuned for that.
Call to Action
On Friday evening there was an emergency meeting of all CUPE presidents in Ontario with Ontario and National Executives. There were over a hundred Local Presidents at the meeting, and we heard about the fight the Ford government has brought to our comrades at OSBCU, the CUPE local that represents 55000 Ontario Education Workers which includes Educational Assistants, Janitors, Librarians and school administrators.
Learn more about their fight HERE
The bigger issue here is Bill 28, the Ford governments never before seen pre-emptive back-to-work legislation accompanied by the absolute draconian measure of using the “notwithstanding” clause to circumvent workers rights as defined by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. If this is allowed to happen it will open a door for this to be normalized. If you don’t think the same thing would be used on us if we were ever in a position to strike you are sadly mistaken. The right to strike is our key tool in our bargaining arsenal. As workers we don’t have much else as leverage in the bargaining process.
Lear more about Bill 28 HERE
During the meeting it was discussed what other locals and unions are doing. Other locals within CUPE are walking off the job. Other unions within the Education field are also walking off the job. This is not expected of us but was assured that if we did, we would have full access to the CUPE strike fund. I feel confident when I say not many would support walking off the job, but if I’m wrong, I’d love to hear from you. Sign up to stay up to date on this very fluid and volatile situation HERE
So, what can we do?
Contact Greg Rickford: Greg Rickford represents many if not most of us in this riding. He needs to hear how displeased you are with the actions of this government. We need to put sustained pressure on the MLA’s. You can follow the link below to find an auto dialer that automatically finds your MP and dials their number for you.
Join a Picket Line: This is an easy way to show solidarity and show the government that this fight is with all of us. Imagine if it was you out of work trying to fight for a living wage and how you would feel getting the support from other locals and other unions. Follow the link to find a picket line.
Contact Doug Ford: Tell the premier to lay off our right to strike, our right to collective bargaining and rights of all workers in the province. Follow the Link below to send Doug Ford a message telling him to stop being a bully.
Donate to the cause: Along with he forced contract comes penalties of $4000 per day for every day the members are off the job plus a $250,000 penalty to CUPE. This is potentially costing CUPE $220 million a day. To impose fines on people who already have trouble paying their bills, people who work multiple jobs just to make ends meet is heartless. Every little bit helps.
Together we can do this!
Get your CUPE Hoodie
We are ordering hoodies but we need your sizes. An email has been sent out asking for size and preferences so check your email. If you haven’t seen the email let somebody know by text, email or telephone as soon as possible.
All the Executives and Stewards contact information are located on this website.
New Collective Agreement
The final signed Collective Agreement is now up on the website. We are researching costs to get hard copies printed and hopefully have something done in the coming weeks.
Copy can be located here.
General Meeting February 3, 7:00pm
Brothers and Sisters
We failed to meet quorum at our last general meeting, so we needed to reschedule. New date and time will be February 3rd at 7:00pm
Items on the agenda:
- Executive Elections
- Stewards for Kenora and Dryden
- Union Expansion and long-term security for members in the event Emcon does not get renewed by MTO
- Filling committee roles
- Reviewing the new Collective Agreement
I’ve included the Agenda and you can review the last meetings minutes HERE
Here are some links to some helpful Zoom meeting tips.
Meeting Invite below
Topic: CUPE 5406 General Meeting
Time: Feb 3, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 5761 4595
Passcode: 896654
Terms of the new Collective Agreement have been ratified
The voting has finished and of 118 eligible voters 99 (84%) had provided valid emails to vote.
Of the 99 who received ballots 70 (71%) cast their vote.
The 63 of the 70 ballots cast were in favour of the new terms which is an astounding 90%
I thank everyone for participating in the ratification meeting and the voting process. The results speak for themselves and the bargaining team and I are very happy that so many of you support the deal we reached. For the few of you who didn’t we would love to hear from you to find out where we could have improved on the deal so next time we can try to make things better.
Certified results can be found here.